Saturday, April 7, 2012

Listening to locks

Damian bought me this beautiful doorknob at Anthropologie a few years ago when we were in Las Vegas.  Sadly when we got home we realized it didn't fit the existing door to my studio (the door is some sort of cheap thing that came with the house when we bought it.  some kind of DIY gone poorly).  He installed it anyway and i said I could deal, it was so much prettier than the crappy brass thing that was already affixed.  From that day onward I've found myself getting locked in when I close the door to keep the cats out of my paint mess (they love to walk on my palette and leave paw prints throughout the house).  I twist spin turn the doorknob to no avail, it just seems to circle around and around until it finally pops off and leaves me locked in my studio staring questionably at a white door with a bubbled pink glass globe in my hand.

It used to tick me off but then I realized, is there any better place to get locked in?  Maybe it's a sign?  Every time I try to exit my studio I'm unable to.  I think the Universe (and Anthropologie?) is trying to tell me where I belong.

If I ever doubted the message the pink globed lock-in was giving me all I had to do was look closer at the spine of the door which revealed, upon photo upload, something I never noticed before. DEFIANT.  I can't tell you how much i love that.  It's so fitting.  Time to get myself fired/laid off.